Tuesday, April 12, 2011

We Have Class On Thursday

Spring Break starts on Friday which means we still meet in class on Thursday 4/14. We will complete the next couple of componants for  your research proposal before Spring Break begins.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Proposal Writing

For now, just read! Below are details of your major semester project. Before the end of class, you need to come up with a topic or a subject that you are going to research.

Research Proposal
Your research proposal will explain what you plan to investigate. It will include the questions you want to answer, a literature review of related research, what method(s) you will use to conduct your study (or collect data), and an explanation of why the research will be significant.

Elements of a Good Proposal
A good proposal has nine elements, and each is important in an effective presentation.
1.   Statement of the Problem
This section should include a clear and concise statement of the purpose or goal of the project. In a grant proposal, it consists of (1) the specific question(s) to be answered, (2) a brief explanation of the need for or significance of the study, and (3) an explanation of how the results will contribute to the existing body of knowledge.
2.   Literature Review
A proposal should reflect the offerer's understanding of relevant bodies of literature and where his/her study fits in that context. This section need not be lengthy, however it should be comprehensive. It should trace the central themes in the literature, highlight major areas of disagreement, and reflect a critical stance toward the materials reviewed. Citing weak research or poorly articulated theory does not help. You have considerable autonomy in identifying relevant bodies of literature. That autonomy requires careful thought and creativity in identifying appropriate sources.
3.   Conceptual Framework
In this section, the offerer provides his/her own perspective. What theories or concepts will guide the study? How or why do they suggest the specific hypotheses or research questions? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the proposed framework?
4.   Hypotheses or Research Questions
Following the description of the conceptual framework, there should be a clear, crisp statement of the research hypotheses, or, in the case of some qualitative studies, a concise description of the phenomena to be examined. Depending on the requirements of the solicitation, the hypotheses may be stated informally or formally. Finally, an explanation of why testing the hypotheses or answering the questions is appropriate for elucidating the research problems and is consistent with the conceptual framework should be included.
5.   Methodology
This section consists of a description of plans for collecting and analyzing the data. What instruments will be used? Why are they appropriate for this study? Is there evidence of the instruments' reliability and validity? How and to whom will they be administered? What procedures will be followed in the data analysis? For qualitative studies, there should be an explanation of the purpose of observations and interviews, and, if possible, some indication of their content and format. The description of the proposed methodology should contain enough detail to indicate that the offerer knows what he/she is doing. Proposals that include the formula for a statistical test as the only information about plans for data analysis don't lend confidence that the study will yield robust findings or rich insights. Similarly, proposals that simply offer to use the newest research procedures may suggest that the investigator is attentive or attracted to fads, but may not be familiar with that particular research approach.
6.   Task Structure (Scope of Work)
This section indicates exactly what will be done, the sequence of the various activities, and the products of deliverables that will be prepared. It is important that the proposed task structure includes all of the activities necessary for completing the project. Planning a viable schedule for carrying out the tasks is often as important as developing a comprehensive list of tasks.
7.   Management Plan
A crucial part of the plan is a creative and effective approach to project management. The approach should indicate who will be responsible for each part of the work, and who will be responsible for overall coordination. The management plan should also be carefully tailored to the unique nature of the individual project.

8.   Staff and Institutional Qualifications
This section includes a full discussion of the qualifications and experience of the proposed staff. Sometimes it is useful to include brief summaries of the staff experience in the management plan and to attach complete resumes for each member of the team as appendices to the proposal. This information is essential should be presented in a way that demonstrates that the staff has the necessary qualifications and experience to conduct the research. This section should also include complete information about the relevant qualifications of the institution where the project will be located. Research projects often require a variety of hardware or software and there should be clear evidence that adequate facilities are available to support the project.
9.   Budget
The project budget should include clear and reasonable estimates of the costs of each element of the project, and there should be enough supporting information to indicate how the estimates were developed. Base salaries for all staff, standard charges for computer use, and allowable travel costs are a few examples of useful background information. In preparing the budget, remember that the budget is a reflection of the offerer's understanding of the project and his/her ability to plan and manage effectively. A budget that is too low may indicate failure to grasp how much work is really necessary to do a good job. A budget that is too high may also suggest a lack of understanding of what is required, or it may reflect careless management. Both make the proposal unattractive. Even if a budget is not required, it is a good idea to have a budget for internal purposes.
A final note about good proposals
Quality writing is critical in all good proposals. It should be clear, concise, and free of jargon. There should be no spelling or grammatical errors, and the proposal should be easy to read. Sloppy proposals and proposals laden with jargon do not provide a positive image of the offerer, nor do they lend confidence that solid research will follow. Proposals that are well-written and attractive are a pleasure to read, and they make a good impression with reviewers.
(Adapted from Centenary College Lousianna http://www.centenary.edu/research/proposal/elements)

Thursday, March 17, 2011


ASSIGNMENT:  Write a set of instructions on how to use a computer or other application of 500-600 words (see below).  At least two screen captures or images must be incorporated into your text (you may add more if necessary). If you like, you can also include illustrations you create yourself in power point, with a digital camera etc. As usual, write in the clear and concise style characteristic of good technical writing and in a language and tone appropriate to your audience and rhetorical purpose.

FORMAT:  You can use a memo format if you like.

Your memo should have the following elements:

Ø      Introduction/overview.

Ø      Theory or principles of operation—how does it work?

Ø      List of equipment and materials needed

Ø      Necessary prior knowledge and/or skills of the user

Ø      Major steps

Ø      Hazard notices (preview here—actual notices are in the appropriate step with symbol)

v      Caution—prevent possible mistakes
v      Warning—alert user to potential hazard

Ø      Required steps (body of memo)--how-to instructions—in logical order
v      use numbered steps--one instruction each with at the most two or three closely related instructions
v      use familiar, direct language and avoid jargon
v      be accurate
v      NOTE:  use visuals as appropriate—must have at least one
v      NOTE:  use hazard notices in steps where indicated
v      Tips and troubleshooting procedures

Ø      Glossary (definitions and terms)

Ø      Conclusion—close your memo

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Revision Practice

Today you are going to practice revision concentrating on syntax, sentence structure, punctuation and proper memo formatting.

Copy and past the two memos found in the tabbed page title "Revision Practice." Make necessary revisions in a word document. When you are done, print them out and hand them in with your name and date on the page.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Web Address

Copy and paste your group's web address into the comments below so I can give you credit towards the completion of your web project

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Look over the following links about revision. Read over your group's mission statement and check it for clarity, wordiness, and grammar. When you are all satisfied, print out your document and hand it in along with your memos. For homework, read over the links on revision. Once I give you in information you are responsible for it and your understanding of the reading material needs to show up in the work you are doing. When you come back to class on Thursday, we will do an in class practice revision.






Thursday, February 24, 2011

Homework for Next Tuesday

Read the three  links below on Memos,  Rhetorical Awareness and Tone in business writing.
Then rewrite the memo you did in class 2/24 and the other memo  you write announcing your new product. Make sure that both memos are formatted correctly using the guidelines found in the previous blog with the link to the sample memo.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Company Mission Statement

Over the weekend, make sure that you have completed your company mission statement. You will post this on your company web page--the page that you should be developing at home as well as in between assignments in the classroom. Make sure that your mission statement answers each of the following questions.

1. What problem(s) do you solve? What need(s) do you fulfill?

2. What do you sell? How do you make your money? What is your revenue model?

3. How are you unique from everyone else out there? What is your unique selling proposition?

4. Who will you sell to? What is your target market?

5. What are your economic/financial goals?

6. What are your social/community goals?

7. What type of company do you want to create? Are you a lifestyle or high potential company?

8. Where is the company going? What products/services/industries do you plan to venture into?

9. What is your five year strategy? Do you want to sell internationally, build an online store, franchise your business, build certain partnerships, develop additional products?

10. Do you ever plan on selling the company or going public? What is your exit strategy?
 From: Writing Your Company Mission Statement: Ten Essential Questions  http://www.zeromillion.com/business/mission-statement.html

I will ask you for a hard copy of your mission statement, your memos, your letters of introduction next week so make sure you have done those assignments. I will tell you in class on Tuesday how to format those and hand them in.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Writing Memo

Today in class you are going to work on a memo to the members of your board, your boss, or your employees. This memo is going to advise your company that you are about to release a new product to your clients. In the body of your memo, use the details you wrote in our last class to apprise the recipient of the qualities of your product and how you intend to introduce them.

Each link below will guide you to completion of your memo. You can work in groups but each one of you needs to write your own memo.





Welcome to Tech Writing Class Blog

Here you will find all the information you need to complete your assignments including sample documents, templates, and updates for homework due dates and so very very much more!