Thursday, February 17, 2011

Company Mission Statement

Over the weekend, make sure that you have completed your company mission statement. You will post this on your company web page--the page that you should be developing at home as well as in between assignments in the classroom. Make sure that your mission statement answers each of the following questions.

1. What problem(s) do you solve? What need(s) do you fulfill?

2. What do you sell? How do you make your money? What is your revenue model?

3. How are you unique from everyone else out there? What is your unique selling proposition?

4. Who will you sell to? What is your target market?

5. What are your economic/financial goals?

6. What are your social/community goals?

7. What type of company do you want to create? Are you a lifestyle or high potential company?

8. Where is the company going? What products/services/industries do you plan to venture into?

9. What is your five year strategy? Do you want to sell internationally, build an online store, franchise your business, build certain partnerships, develop additional products?

10. Do you ever plan on selling the company or going public? What is your exit strategy?
 From: Writing Your Company Mission Statement: Ten Essential Questions

I will ask you for a hard copy of your mission statement, your memos, your letters of introduction next week so make sure you have done those assignments. I will tell you in class on Tuesday how to format those and hand them in.

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